
Have you got an condition in Co. Limerick, but would rather opt for natural methods of treatment instead of pharmaceuticals? You have come to the right place, as Natural Medicine Works has been providing solutions for a myriad of physical and mental conditions for years. We are adept at getting to the root of an issue and treating it on a individual basis.

There are many different approaches to natural medicine, with those who prefer a more holistic approach to their treatments opting for one of the following methods when they find themselves under the weather:

Acupuncture Treatments

One of the oldest methods of natural medicine available, acupuncture has been in practise since as far back as ancient China – 3 millennia ago. The treatment is conducted by inserting very fine needles into the skin, in specific pressure points that are said to offer relief to certain organs and issue areas.

Now recognised by the World Health Organisation, acupuncture has been proven to alleviate a wide array of symptoms over the years – from headache and migraines, to musculoskeletal disorders – making it a great all-rounder for those looking to opt for natural treatments.

Acupuncture isn’t only beneficial for those who are suffering from physical issues, with proven improvements with mental health issues also.

Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathy has been used for 200 years by people who prefer not to use mainstream pharmaceuticals, for a variety of reasons. Using natural, holistic methods of treatment, such as homeopathy, has been proven to bring better long-term results to chronic conditions.

Recognised by the World Health Organisation, homeopathy is becoming more of a norm for the Western world, with one-on-one consultations from Natural Medicine Works putting patients’ minds at ease.

Contact us today to find out how you can benefit from natural medicine in Co. Limerick.